Ceiba Software & Arts is an indie game development studio located in Costa Rica. We began operations in 2015 with two projects: Voxel Blast and Project S.O.O.T. We are focused in IP with emphasis in artistic experimentation, that’s why we are constantly prototyping and testing the boundaries of different ideas and genres.
We believe games are a form of art in itself, with special properties no other discipline can convey. A game has the potential to create a strong reflective experience, it has the power to question our values and principles, to shake our foundations, to change our perspective about life, the universe and ourselves.
Sure, a game can be entertaining, an escape, but it can also be terrifying, profound, disruptive, introspective, transformative. We want all that for our games. We want to create experiences that leave a permanent mark in our players hearts.
Our Team

Adriana Céspedes-Vindas is a Computer Scientist specialized in Data Science and Geographic Information Systems. Her main interest is developing science-inspired games that help the player understand complex subjects like Climate Change or Autoimmune Diseases.

Luis Elizondo-Rojas is a Graphic Designer and Illustrator specialized in 3D modelling. He wants to be part of a group that helps others see the world differently, just like many games did for him while he was growing up.

J. Francisco Durán-Durán is a Geographer and Writer. He wants to make games that demand concious intent from the player. Immersive experiences that draw the player in, that engage the player into a deep and deliberate process of gameplay.

Rodolfo Mora-Zamora is a Computer Scientist specialized in Game Design. His main interest is to understand the design process from a formal perspective, and exploit its potential to create innovative products that entice the player in unexpected ways.